Sunday, November 21, 2010

this boy...

here are some recent Ollie stats just to keep you updated...

~He is learning his letters hard core...starting to sound things out...just a teensy bit. Please note I tried to teach him these this past summer and he just wasn't ready...but he is now, they are all about it in his class at school!

~He is learning to be inquisitive and empathetic and can read between the lines: conversation the other day:
me: Hey Olls does your throat hurt a little?
olls: No, yours does Mommy?
me: yeah buddy
olls: I'm sorry, Mommy.

~He is super tall still, he's grown a whole inch according to our May and November markings on the door frame at our new house. His 4T pants are almost too short, should have gotten 5's I guess.

~He is super excited about any and every little thing these days...gets that from his Mommy. We're headed to the Mtns for Thanksgiving with my family and he wants to eat literally on the side of the mountain.

~He is still a super sweet brother, although he has had to sit in time out a few times recently for being too "rough" with SC. It was bound to happen.

~He has a wicked cowlic (sp.)...might have to start going uber short at the barber.

~He is turning into a boy...right before our eyes!

Happy Thanksgiving week!
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