Matt always says that "Comparison is the thief of all joy." Man, do I struggle with comparing myself to everyone else, am I a good wife, daughter, friend, and now mommy? When I read this verse I love the wording...the rich simplicity of being yourself before God. Thats just it, I think it is so hard for my generation to know who we are, we are so distracted by all the stuff, the gear. But as Timothy says we came penniless and will leave without a dime, I pray that I can live with the mindset of appreciating having food on the table and shoes on my feet. I truly desire to walk in the rich simplicity of being myself...a person shaped by Christ.
whitney, i can't find me green chacos.
This devotional is a keeper.
Thank you for introducing me to a Bible verse that is new to me.
Simple is holy and pure. It is what Jesus would do.
Anne Heritage
How precious are the feet of those who bring the Good News. May Ollie follow in the footprints of his mother and father. Love, G.Ma
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