Sunday, April 27, 2008
30 words...
Today, April 27th, Matt's 30th birthday I have 30 words that describe the man I love: creative, sweet, inventive, handy, empathetic, active, loving, wiley, brother, caring, dad, leader, saucy, brave, son, outgoing, captain, lover, persistent, friend, talented, passionate, intuative, funny, optomistic, intriguing, bold, hot, romantic and MINE! Happy Birthday Matty, I love you with all my heart.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
The weekend update...
It's been a big weekend in the 'Boro. We started Friday night by pulling all our junk out of our attic, closet, fridge, etc in anticipation of our big yard sale on Saturday morning. It all started at 5:45 am when my friend Melissa pulled up to unload all her stuff to sell. Then the fun really began around 6:45/ 7:00 when people started coming. Our friends the Sheltons also sold some stuff as well. I think we did pretty good we made close to $300, which we spent all yesterday on lottery tickets, just kidding. We are trying to find a really cool swing set/ slide/climby thing for the Ollister. This morning 4 of Ollies girlies got dedicated at church, it was so sweet seeing them up there in their pink and white frills. And now we are brought to the picture above, which is currently taking place in the room across the hall. Ollie seemed to be of the not so sleepy nature this afternoon when we got home from church, but nonetheless we were determined to stick to our guns with nap time. So after 30 minutes of him talking, singing, playing, walking (yes, walking) in his crib, I went in to lay him down once again, he popped right up. So I gave him some reading materials and shut the door, 15 minutes later I walk in to find this. Ha, reading always makes me sleepy too, sweet boy. Please note that he did indeed pull an arm off of one of the pages in his Wiggle Your Toes book. I guess he wanted to point out that his two animals: ice bear and silly buddy were also napping in his crib.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Family Camp!
This weekend we got to experience Windy Gap ( a Young Life camp in Weaverville,NC) in a whole new a family. It was so much fun to be able to smell the mountains, soak up some warm sun, eat yummy food, be with friends and just relax...YL style. Ollie enjoyed himself as you can see in this video. I pray that this place will one day be as special in his heart as it has become to his mommy and daddy.
p.s. We did change his clothes after this in case you were wondering.
p.s.s. He really can say what a doggy says, thanks to our dogsitting earlier this cute!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Daddy-Son Day!
Yesterday Ollie wore a plaid shirt for the first time and big boy khacki pants just to match his daddy. Here's my question where did those curls come from? I don't know but one things for sure...we're not cutting them. I sure do love my handsome Hannam boys!!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Spring Break '08
What a week we had last week...Ollie and I headed to Hollywood to see my family, fun times. The first picture pretty much sums up how he feels about being at Grandma and Grandaddy's. It was fun to connect to some of my roots...some good ole fashioned S. Carolina BBQ and shrimp and grits. Then Matt surprised me for my b-day and we spent the weekend at the Mansfield Plantation in Georgetown, SC. What a great weekend, thanks Matty! We counted this weekend and we're pretty sure this was our 16th bed and breakfast we've been to over the years of Hannamhood...our Inn is still open but if you need a recommendation, I'm your girl. 10 more weeks of school until SUMMER vacation!
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