My morning...
6:30 Ollie woke up to be changed and fed
7:30 put Ollie in his crib so that I could pump some, 15 minutes later Ollie started spitting up in the crib, I picked him up and the little sweetness through up all over himself and me, yay!
8:00 Changed Ollie, put him in the swing so I could take a shower, do some chores, etc, oh yeah and eat a little breakfast
9:00 Ollie is screaming, he has peed through his diaper and outfit #2, so this brings us to outfit #3, his 2nd breakfast has come and gone and now we are "chilling" on the bed, hopefully down for a nap.
While I was eating some Golden Grahams I did have a few minutes to open up the word. I decided I wanted to see a portrait of Christ this morning. I read John 13 where Jesus washes his disciples feet and verse 2 really stuck out to me, "Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love." I was struck once again about just how dirty and grimy their feet probably were and what an incredible act of love this was. I guess I am asking myself this morning, am I showing the people around me the full extent of Christ's love both the little people and the big people? I hope so.
p.s. most people say Ollie looks like me, but I think he looks just like his daddy in this picture