We went to the Grasshopper's game last week with some friends, look at all those babies. Matt, Ollie and I are in the back behind the yellow thing. We got to sit in the Kavanagh box, courtesy of the Sasser family. It was fun.

Ollie stayed up way past his bedtime, and then fell asleep on Matt's lap when he just couldn't take it any more. Summer '07, it's been tons of fun, one we won't forget for a long time.

Oh yeah, Ollie is sitting up pretty good these days. He loves spending time with Aunt Jenny, I think he misses his mommy, but they're having fun. I start school tomorrow. It should be a fun year, 9 girls, 7 boys, nine of my students are Hispanic...uhh, maybe I will hablo something or other by the end of the year.