Once we got settled in our room, all the vitals checked, the glorious outfit adorned for the day, the nurses went to putting my IV in. Wowzers, my veins roll or something, seriously it took 3 nurses and about 4 tries before they finally found a vein that would cooperate. They got the Pitocin rolling and the day began. I must say that I had very high expectations that this birth day would be different than the first one I participated in. Ollie's was long, too long, about 28 hours to be exact and I was a nervous wreck. So about month 5 of this pregnancy I started to think, dream, pray and believe that this day would be different. I wanted music, magazines, texting, emailing...etc.
The morning kind of dragged on the Pit was working my contractions were coming pretty regular, my pain tolerance was much higher this time around. But I wasn't dilating any more than I was at 6:00 when we arrived. So we walked up and down the halls, did "couchy/ doorsies" as Matt called them, walked from the couch to the door. Then I guess about 1:00 right after my family, Matt included decided to eat a delicious gormet (Elizabeth's Pizza) lunch in the room right in front of me. I do think I snagged a chip or two...my doc decided it was time to break my water. I was a bit scared about this because with Ollie the next 30 minutes before my epidural came was some of the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. So I knew pain was coming.
But this time it was different...not too much pain, in fact I think I went about 2 and half hours, contractions increasing but still not progressing. I texted with friends Matt updated the blog, I read Real Simple. We discussed the mere possibility that we maybe just maybe could be having a girl baby...threw out a few names (we didn't know remember) and then I decided I was ready for the epidural. The needle man came in and got me set up. At first it felt like sweet relief, but as the next few hours passed I realized that the pain was increasing and not decreasing. I felt nothing in one leg or side of my body and then much, much more on the other side. I guess it only took on one side. My dr had said we'd have a baby by dinner...I kept wondering what time she ate.
Fortunately pain and all the epidural helped me progress and fast! I remember Matt was on the phone with his brother about 5:20 pm and he said oh I think we'll probably have a baby by 8 or so...wishful thinking, he might have added. I on the other hand felt much pressure in the area that needed pressure to be felt and growled something to Matt like, we're gonna be pushing this baby out by 6 o'clock!
Sure enough they checked me a little before 6 and I was fully dilated! We did a couple of practice pushes and I remember the look on the nurses face like I might be delivering this baby if your doc doesn't hurry up and get back to the hospital. So about 6:05 or so my doc rolled in put on all her gear. And 4 short contractions later...a girl! A sweet baby girl.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and to give you a hope and a future." Jer. 29:11
happy birthday sweet girl!!!!
Thank you for sharing Sarah Claire's BIRTHday story - love it! Happy happy birthday Sarah Claire. Be good to your mom and dad:)
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