Sunday afternoon...
Whew, we've had the stomach bug around our house for the past week. I pray that you and in your family stay clear of this thing. I do believe (knock on something) we're on the mend. I finally found a cute birthday pic of Ollister at small group the day before his birthday, sorry I look a little bit tired or something. The next pic is of bath time one night last week we have these cute stick on bath letters and my sunglasses just happened to be in the bathroom, you know couldn't resist. And the bottom two are at the playground in our neighborhood, a place we have begun to frequent and Ollie is growing to love. I think I always had to stop at pretty much all playgrounds when I was little, like mommy like son.
I've got one more week of school then it's spring break,woo hoo. Ollie and I are headed to Charleston to visit the fam and then Matt and I are headed on a birthday adventure somewhere down south at the coast while Olls hangs out with the gramps.
That 3rd photo is adorable. They all are. Why isn't Ollie a Gerber baby? He could sell stewed prunes to a teenager.
Hey "hannam" I agree. I prefer he sell ice to the eskimos but same principal. He is a doll baby and his little personality if off the chart. Do you think we love, love, love him? Nah! These are so cute. Whit, you do look like a typical mother, just a little frazzled but hey you are still beautiful in every way. Can't wait to see you. I am counting off the days, hours and minutes for real.
Love ya all (you too Sarah),
dang he's cute! how did he get to look so grown up? hope it works out for ollister to hang out with maddie and me friday. :D
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