Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
This is how excited me and my seven chins were yesterday when Matt gave me a package that came in the mail from Circuit City, inside...you guessed it...A NEW CAMERA!!! He loves me so much and even though he didn't remember that today is my 1/2 birthday I think his sub-conscious told him. So I snapped 30 pictures in about 2 hours, he are a few of the hi-lites of our day yesterday, well after the package arrived. I seriously almost cried, I can't believe how hard it's been for me not to have a camera ( I vowed never to let sippy and camera get close ever again.)
Matt has let Ollie start "playing" in the barn (outside utility/ workshop thing in our backyard.) The rule is he's allowed to visit as long as he listens to Daddy, so far Ollie has loved being able to work on projects such as fixing the boat motor, and playing with a really cool magnet thing, as well as getting his pants dirty with saw dust. While Matt went to get spark plugs Ollie and I walked down to the corner to see the tractors, notice how ominous the sky looked all day. They're doing something to the water pipes, so there are 4 huge tractors down our street, needless to say Ollie loves to go see them. And the one on the corner is the little sweetness ready for night-night, what a fun day, what a great 1/2 birthday present! I love you, Matty!
Matt has let Ollie start "playing" in the barn (outside utility/ workshop thing in our backyard.) The rule is he's allowed to visit as long as he listens to Daddy, so far Ollie has loved being able to work on projects such as fixing the boat motor, and playing with a really cool magnet thing, as well as getting his pants dirty with saw dust. While Matt went to get spark plugs Ollie and I walked down to the corner to see the tractors, notice how ominous the sky looked all day. They're doing something to the water pipes, so there are 4 huge tractors down our street, needless to say Ollie loves to go see them. And the one on the corner is the little sweetness ready for night-night, what a fun day, what a great 1/2 birthday present! I love you, Matty!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
pic of the week
Mommy Calls it: "it's me"
Ollie here: I just wanted you to know that I am ok and still very cute even though mommy can't take any pictures of me. This is one of my favorite things to do these days sit up in the big chair. We're having a good weekend, I love the cool weather, I have some cool new pants to wear. And yesterday Mommy got me some new jumping shoes at a sale, size 7 1/2, I love them and they jump in rain puddles really good and she said they were only $4 which I don't know what that means. Now I am just trying to figure out what these words "trick or treat" mean, mommy keeps saying, Ollie say trick or treat, oh man. Well, Sees ya!
Ollie here: I just wanted you to know that I am ok and still very cute even though mommy can't take any pictures of me. This is one of my favorite things to do these days sit up in the big chair. We're having a good weekend, I love the cool weather, I have some cool new pants to wear. And yesterday Mommy got me some new jumping shoes at a sale, size 7 1/2, I love them and they jump in rain puddles really good and she said they were only $4 which I don't know what that means. Now I am just trying to figure out what these words "trick or treat" mean, mommy keeps saying, Ollie say trick or treat, oh man. Well, Sees ya!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Mommy on the Run!

If you know anything about me you will know that exercising is just not my cup of tea, I'd rather drive to the playground in our neighborhood than walk, I'll sit at the foot of the mountain and read a book rather than hike, etc, you get the picture, so this is a BIG deal! But it has so been good for me to have some inspiration (a healthy body, maybe I'll even decrease the muffin top) and some accountability from my friends...this has helped! I also got to get a really cool new sports watch!
Monday, September 22, 2008
I'm Out!

We found this book when Olls was just a wee baby, like 3 months at TJ Maxx. We've been reading it on and off throughout the days, but recently it's become a big hit around our house. It's a cute story of Gossie and Gertie who've just hatched out of their eggs and their buddy Ollie just won't come out of his, they beg and plead him as he rolls around the farm, until they use reverse psychology with him and say fine don't come out. Well of course that works and Ollie comes out. Our Ollie enjoys this book of course because it has his name, and he likes the geese. So on our way home from the boat our little man was chillin' in the back seat "reading" his books, it's so cute he flips the pages, looks at the pictures. Well yesterday he was reading "Ollie" and was just a gibbering away and when he got to the last page he paused and said "I'm out," just as clear as day just like it says in his book. How cute, how smart, I knew I'd have him reading before two, :).
More ramblings (feel free to stop reading here)...Ollie hasn't had his pach in 7 days, hallelujah!! I'm thinking about having my own fundraiser to buy a new camera, would you support me?? I would have loved to show you a picture of Ollie riding around Oriental with Matt on the backseat of a cruiser with the cutest little bicycle helmet, so cute!!! Happy 1st day of fall, I can smell the cider, yum!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Bye, Bye Pach!
Photo: circa 2 months ago, Ollie climbed up on the Glider and got into the drawer on his changing table and pulled out a bag of old baby pacis, what a treasure as he tasted one, spit it out to taste another.
On Monday when I picked Olls up from school his teacher said, oh Ollie came to school today with a, and then she pointed to her mouth and whispered paci, as if we had just committed a cardinal sin. I said oh, yeah, well we kinda still let him have at night and stuff. Matt dropped him off that morning and truth be told, I always take it out of his mouth before he gets out of the car when I drop him off. So then I said, Gwen, doesn't he ask for it at naptime any more?? Her reply was, Whitney, we haven't given him that thing in about 2 months, he doesn't even have one here (he does, I checked his cubby, a cute red one.) So, I kinda laughed it off, Ollie blew kisses to all his friends and off we went. As we rounded the corner onto Dellwood I began thinking about the whole "pach (as Ollie refers to it) phenomenon."
My thought was, hmmm, he really hasn't "asked" for pach in a week or so, he does love his little froggy blanket, but pach well we haven't heard that word as much. I honestly think that Matt and I have been giving it to him every night sort of like it's our safeguard, Ollie will sleep better if he has the pach, kinda thinking. At night prior to a week ago, every night Ollie would run around the house at bed time, singing Pach, pachy, pachy pach, like he was looking for his long lost best friend, so cute we would say and sing with him.
So, Monday night I said a prayer and proposed my new plan to Matt, no pach unless it is asked for. I am proud to announce that we've been pach free for 3 whole nights...knock on the key board or something. I can't believe that this could be that easy, maybe he just made his mind up, all done as Ollie would say, all done. Stay tuned...we're going to the sailboat this weekend, will we be able to make the 4 hour road trip without pachy, pach, pach??? As for Froggy, Ollie...mommy had to wean herself off of her blankey the week before she married your daddy, live on froggy, live on!
On Monday when I picked Olls up from school his teacher said, oh Ollie came to school today with a, and then she pointed to her mouth and whispered paci, as if we had just committed a cardinal sin. I said oh, yeah, well we kinda still let him have at night and stuff. Matt dropped him off that morning and truth be told, I always take it out of his mouth before he gets out of the car when I drop him off. So then I said, Gwen, doesn't he ask for it at naptime any more?? Her reply was, Whitney, we haven't given him that thing in about 2 months, he doesn't even have one here (he does, I checked his cubby, a cute red one.) So, I kinda laughed it off, Ollie blew kisses to all his friends and off we went. As we rounded the corner onto Dellwood I began thinking about the whole "pach (as Ollie refers to it) phenomenon."
My thought was, hmmm, he really hasn't "asked" for pach in a week or so, he does love his little froggy blanket, but pach well we haven't heard that word as much. I honestly think that Matt and I have been giving it to him every night sort of like it's our safeguard, Ollie will sleep better if he has the pach, kinda thinking. At night prior to a week ago, every night Ollie would run around the house at bed time, singing Pach, pachy, pachy pach, like he was looking for his long lost best friend, so cute we would say and sing with him.
So, Monday night I said a prayer and proposed my new plan to Matt, no pach unless it is asked for. I am proud to announce that we've been pach free for 3 whole nights...knock on the key board or something. I can't believe that this could be that easy, maybe he just made his mind up, all done as Ollie would say, all done. Stay tuned...we're going to the sailboat this weekend, will we be able to make the 4 hour road trip without pachy, pach, pach??? As for Froggy, Ollie...mommy had to wean herself off of her blankey the week before she married your daddy, live on froggy, live on!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
picture of the week
I call it: 2 summers of plaid
Yes, these pictures are re-cycled, camera still not working. Look at that little Q T Pie sporting his plaid of summer 2007 and then this year in the plaid of summer 2008. Even though it was super hot today, I am yearning for fall, a fresh cool fall with apple cider, pumpkins, Halloween costumes, candy corn and autumn leaves everywhere. What will next summer's plaid look like?
Yes, these pictures are re-cycled, camera still not working. Look at that little Q T Pie sporting his plaid of summer 2007 and then this year in the plaid of summer 2008. Even though it was super hot today, I am yearning for fall, a fresh cool fall with apple cider, pumpkins, Halloween costumes, candy corn and autumn leaves everywhere. What will next summer's plaid look like?
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I am...

...second of all practical...so very practical, you have to be when you are a mom, it just makes sense. This tool above, the Swiffer Wet Jet 5ooo, is by far one of the greatest splurge Target items I have ever bought. My News Years resolution was to mop our kitchen floor once a week, ha, I'm embarrassed to admit that maybe it's happened like 4 times, until this week. I purchased the above item for roughly $18, and came home assembled it in maybe 10 minutes and mopped the floor in another 10, voila! No bucket, no more grime, no dirty water, no more spaghetti floor stains, just one clean freshly smelling floor, and one very dirty swiffer pad. The best part, people, is that as dinner was simmering tonight I mopped the floor once again, just because it is that easy. Can you believe it??? So what's the most practical thing you own, I love a good practical tip!!!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Christmas comes early...
Saturday, September 6, 2008
picture of the week
Weeee is Ollie's word for "dangerous fun." Anytime something feels a bit over the edge it's wee! Please click on the pic so yo can see their faces up close...hey maybe you can have some weee in your weeeeekend, ha!
Weeee is Ollie's word for "dangerous fun." Anytime something feels a bit over the edge it's wee! Please click on the pic so yo can see their faces up close...hey maybe you can have some weee in your weeeeekend, ha!
The Good Ole Corral
This blog is brought to you in pretty much real time. We're at Windy Gap this weekend helping out with work crew for the fall Campaigner weekend. It's nap time, so I'm stuck on a very nice leather couch in a very nicely renovated summer staff housing apt. while Matt serves high schoolers from around the state Windy Gap pizza, it's some of the best you'll ever taste! It's even better when you dip it in yummy ranch dressing, mmm! So Kristen and I took the boys all around camp this morning and here are some highlights from the trip to the Windy Gap Stables. I love this place, I really wish I could live here, it is a one year old's dream come true! I hope you enjoy the pics and sorry for not blogging that much this week, back to the real world you know.
Ollie kept saying, "horsss, horsss, horsss," like a hundred times, cute!
Ollie kept saying, "horsss, horsss, horsss," like a hundred times, cute!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Blogger Roll Call

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