My blood pressure went up...not so good news, not way up but up and because of my history with Ollie there were many scenerios and plans tossed out yesterday afternoon. So they are running some tests blood work, urine work (yuck, sorry) and then based on those results if abnormal we could be looking at an induction tomorrow morning (Ollie's 3rd birthday.) But if everything is normal which we pray it is, then I will just hang out and either go into labor on my own in the next few days or for sure be checked into the hospital on Sunday night for a scheduled induction at 39 weeks. So either way new baby brother or sister will be here by the time the blessed birthday month of March rolls in.
We did have another ultrasound...the weight prediction at this point is somewhere around 8 lbs 8 oz...so it's going to be a nice size baby which we are all getting super excited about meeting! Matt promises, as you've seen already to keep the blog updates coming. Thanks for your excitement and prayers, we appreciate it!
Yay! I can't wait and am so excited for you. Have you stopped working yet? I would imagine so if you're at this point... Just let me know! Good luck. :)
sending prayers your way!! I hope for Ollies sake the baby isnt born ON his birthday but either way as long as the baby is healthy. :)
Ok! So i've been facebook/ blog stalking you to figure out what in the world is happening! The scene in my mind yesterday afternoon: Whit had to be rushed to the hospital, a baby boy was born, Whit is on drugs for pain and crazy Matt has the phone.... or does he?? So, anyway, I just read the DL and you are in my prayers!
I'm actually headed through G-boro to A-ville on Friday. I could always come by to speed things up! Worked last time! Love you and praying for you all : ) Oh, and its just so exciting that its still a surprise. . . I say GIRL!!
How exciting! My nieces are exactly 2 years and 3 days apart... so having one big bday party for the girls is the way my sister in law goes! Works for us too when presents are involved.. no one gets left out! I hope the delivery goes well and can't wait to see some pics and find out boy/girl!
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