Mr. Science found an inchworm, they are everywhere these days!
Mr. Science drew really close to his inchworm on the porch!
Mr. Science checked out his inchworm really good!
Mr. Science created a habitat for his inchworm, for real he got the bowl, asked me to help him dig dirt and put a rock in it and called the rock the inchworm's playground or prayglound as he calls it.
This morning Mr. Science woke up and had a dead inchworm in his hair...hmmm! The joys of boys!
i love this!!! ollie=adorable. and ew on the inch worm in the hair..haha
You are getting a lot out of the Science Center. Go for more! You look so cute being so gentle with the earthworm. Check all of God's nature out this time of year. There is lots of activity from earthworms to birds having little birds and lots of pollen in the air. I am excited about your new home and especially YOUR room. It is awesome.
I love you,
Grandma in C. Hope to see you soon. I need an Ollie "fix".
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