Friday, August 15, 2008

picture of the week

I call it: my little shadow

This past week Ollie and I have started going on "walks" not with strollers you see, he wants to really walk out on the street. He'll point to the door and say "walk." We'll head out the driveway and on the way there, his little hand reaches up to grab mine and off we go to circle the block (which is probably about 3 miles in Ollie steps.) As we walk we look at everything we see and say the words he points out: car, tractor (any truck, van or SUV is a tractor), birds, dog, cat, trash,if we see any, stick, rock, baby, if we see one of those and sometimes he'll just look up at me and smile and say Momma, and then I say Ollie (it's this little thing we do.) It never fails on our little walks that we make up almost to the house and he'll stop and put his arms up and say "up" for me to carry him the rest of the way. As we were walking today I was just reminded of Christ's love for me and how He walks with me and when I need to be carried, He's there to pick me up.

Jesus, thank you for carrying me, I've needed it this week. Ollie, thank you for wanting me to pick you up and carry you, it brings joy to my heart in ways you'll never know, sweet one.

" He tends his flock like a sheperd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young." Isaiah 40:11
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Anonymous said...

This one is the most precious yet.
Thank you, I needed that also.
You are the best daughter a mother could have. I love you.

Atkinson said...

Little boys do love their mommies:) Ollie is so the pics!

Melissa said...

that's really cute, whit!

Anonymous said...

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God, for such as we are. There's a reason He gives us children... I'm so glad you are finding them ...

Anonymous said...

How awesome. Loved this! A Fellow Mommy of boys (and a brand new baby girl), Karen